Several schools participated in Wild and Free and students were involved in many aspects of this project including interviews, gathering information, discussing and presenting their…
In this discipline-based task, students were challenged to think and behave like authors. Using a similar process to what an author would use, these students…
Through this project the children gained an understanding of the First Nations People of their area learning the importance of respect and harmony.
En utilisant les pages du livre “The Arrival” de Shaun Tan, les éléves ont collaboré afin d’écrire un récit captivant pour accompagner les images du…
This early learning teacher infused the natural world into her classroom through a series of engaging explorations.
Over the past several years, “Spoken Word” has become an increasingly popular means of expression.
The diversity in today’s classrooms is enormous. Students represent a wide array of prior experience and knowledge, with a wide spectrum of learning needs and…
This is an inquiry into the historical and contemporary relationship between Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal peoples in Canada, designed by a humanities teacher from Calgary Connect…
Bringing history to life and making it personally relevant for students were essential components of this grade 11 social study’s inquiry.
In this project students learned about life in rural Alberta by interviewing local residents and recording their stories on a website.