Questions de réflexion en regardant l’étude de cas: Comment l’enseignant a-t-il engagé les élèves dans l’apprentissage d’une langue et dans des objectifs d’apprentissage spécifiques au…
Building understanding of number through the introduction of the number line
The diversity in today’s classrooms is enormous. Students represent a wide array of prior experience and knowledge, with a wide spectrum of learning needs and…
Is it possible to design learning that engages the vast majority of students in mathematics?
After completing this project, students understood that financial planning and success is dependent on understanding the mathematics of finance.
This is a collaborative project of Statistics Canada and Galileo created to facilitate Canadian’s understanding of the social, economic and cultural forces that shape our…
Students and teachers from 3 schools in the Foothills School Division posed problems for each other to solve.
On the very first day of this teacher’s class, students are engaged in problem solving on whiteboards in small groups.
This teacher designed ten labs that highlighted the key concepts of trigonometry.
In this grade 9 math class, students were posed the following question – what is your top speed?