Dr. Sharon Friesen, Dr. Michele Jacobsen, Dr. Barb Brown & Dr. Gabriela Alonso-Yanez presented at the Partner Research Schools Conference at the University of Calgary.
Sharon Friesen, Michele Jacobsen, Barb Brown, & Gabriela Alonso Yanez presented this paper at the 2016 Conference of the Canadian Society for the Study of…
Gabriela Alonso-Yanez, Barb Brown, Sharon Friesen, Jim Brandon, & Candace Saar presented at the 2016 Conference of the Canadian Society for the Study of Education…
Dr. Sharon Friesen and Dr. Barb Brown presented at the Technology and Teacher Education (TATE) Pre-Conference in Calgary, AB.
Dr. Sharon Friesen, Dr. Michele Jacobsen, Dr. Barb Brown & Dr. Gabriela Alonso-Yanez presented at the American Educational Research Association (AERA) confernce in Washington, DC.