Author(s): Barb Brown, Roswita Dressler, Sarah Elaine Eaton and Michele Jacobsen
Presented at: American Educational Research Association (AERA) Conference, Chicago, Illinois.
Three post secondary instructors reflect on their professional learning from the design and implementation of a collaboratory of practice course that facilitated students’ site-based action research in a master’s level course-based program in education. An action research approach was used to explore instructor collaboration in teaching online and blended versions of multiple sections of the course. Qualitative data over a two-year period informed the exploration of professional learning around teaching about the design and conduct of action research. Findings reveal that the professional learning informed and was informed by the teaching of action research. The authors make recommendations for future course implementations, an ongoing research agenda for improving student learning about action research and a plan for continuing professional development.
Brown, B., Dressler, R., Eaton, S., & Jacobsen, M. (2015). Reflections on collaboration: Three instructors of a collaboratory of practice graduate course, Session accepted for presentation at the American Educational Research Association (AERA) Conference, Chicago, IL.