Sub Tasks/Activities
Learning Intentions
Students will develop a deep understanding of….
…what happens to natural waste as it breaks down over time
… how to design and carry out a scientific investigation that answers a question through experimentation and observation.
Assessment Plan
Clarifying learning intentions and criteria for success
- Establishing success criteria with students
Eliciting evidence of student thinking - Making thinking visible
Providing feedback that moves learning forward
- Providing time to incorporate the feedback
Activating students as instructional resources for one another
Activating students as owners of their own learning
Authentic - Addresses real problems, issues, questions or ideas
Why is the task relevant to the students’ daily lives
Why is the task relevant to the lives students are likely to lead
Fosters deep understanding of important ideas - requires thinking
Collaboratively review the critical components of scientific inquiry
Define problem and identify materials and investigative procedure
Review how to ensure a “fair test” - defining variables and establishing controls
Develop hypothesis
Practice organizing and editing data
Practice using various measurement tools
LAB - Document quantitative (weight, temp) and qualitative (colour, smell, touch, size) changes daily
Review analyzing data and writing conclusions
Final reflection based on rubric and a series of guided questions
LAB - Daily group check-ins with oral and written feedback in google docs
Co-creation of “Strong work in the science lab” rubric
Pre-establish criteria - formal group check-in with oral feedback for each hypothesis
Individual practice with written feedback
Graphic organizer with summary of key points provided for reference in google docs
Mid-point parent feedback in google docs
Guided analysis of observations with oral feedback
Written feedback based on rubric
Decomposition timelapse
Formative Assessment Strategies (Wiliam, D., 2011)