A special thanks to:
The Kainai Ancestors and the Generous Land
The Elders
- Adam Delaney
- Agnes First Charger
- Alfreda Delaney
- Carolla Calf Robe
- Harrison Wolf Child
- Charlene Mountain Horse
- Narcisse Blood
- Mary Rose Gros Ventre Boy
- Margaret Gros Ventre Boy
- Pete Standing Alone
- Sandra Singer
- Shirley Mountain Horse
The Children
- Bryce Manyfingers
- Bryton Chief Moon
- Laney Oka
- Japheth Black Plume
- Kendra Day Rider
- Marvin Calf Robe Jr.
- Noah Fox
- Sommer Chief Moon
- Shelby Wells
- Sylvia Gros Ventre Boy – Classroom Assistant
- Alvine Mountain Horse – Classroom Teacher
Special Helpers
- Dr. Gerald T.Conaty, Senior Curator of Ethnology. Glenbow Museum, Calgary, Alberta
- Dr. John Bain, Lethbridge Herbarium. University of Lethbidge, Lethbridge, Alberta
- Dr. Betty Bastien, Professor in the Access Division at the Faculty of Social Work, University of Calgary. Calgary, Alberta
- Nicole Giguère, Certified Translator/Traductrice agréée. Advisory Translation Services Inc.
- Alvine Mountain Horse, Blackfoot Translator. Kainai Board of Education
Kainai Drummers from Tatsikiisaapo’p Middle School and Kainai High School
- Albert Wolf Child Jr.
- Cameron Chief Calf
- Darcy Eagle Speaker
- Everett Wolf Child
- Gordon Morning Bird
- Keegan Rain
- Roy Chief Moon
- Roy Tallow
- Mike Bruised Head
- Seymour Eagle Speaker