1 Unacceptable






Character Analysis

Understanding of character is not demonstrated.

Evidence is absent.

Little understanding of the character is demonstrated. Changes are ignored or absent.

Evidence is vague, irrelevant or confusing.

Some understanding of the character is demonstrated but not of the changes that he undergoes

Uses general ideas from the novel to support the interpretation of the character.

Demonstrates an understanding of the character and the changes that he undergoes

Uses some general and some specific evidence from the novel to support the interpretation of the character.

Demonstrates a thoughtful understanding of the character and the changes that he undergoes.

Uses carefully chosen and specific evidence from the novel to support the interpretation of the character.


The narrative is aimless and disorganized.

No clear ideas

The narrative is rough but somewhat workable.

The author gets off topic.

Many ideas seem disconnected.

The narrative has a beginning, middle and an end.

Ideas are generally connected.

The narrative has an interesting introduction, an informative middle and an appropriate conclusion

Connections are maintained.

The narrative has a compelling and engaging introduction, a persuasive middle and a conclusion that is inspiring.

Ideas are effectively connected.


Sound, Format, Images, Harmony

Design elements impede communication

Design elements interfere with communication and appear to be randomly selected

Design elements are appropriate for intended meaning

Effective use of design elements

Chosen to support communication

Creative use of design elements

Thoughtfully chosen to enhance communication


rehearsal, voice (pacing, volume, clarity, expression), eye contact

Unaware of audience

No evidence of rehearsal

Not prepared

Rarely takes audience into consideration

Little evidence of rehearsal

Inadequately prepared

Generally aware of intended audience

Some evidence of rehearsal

Appropriate volume and some eye contact

Clearly aware of intended audience

Rehearsal is evident

Good pacing, volume, expression and eye contact

Engages audience

Rehearsal is evident and delivery is smooth

Effective pacing, volume, expression and eye contact

Personal Management Skills

Requires excessive teacher intervention and supervision

Unable to manage time or behavior

Requires frequent teacher intervention and supervision

Frequently unable to manage time or behavior

Does not take the initiative to use teacher and peer assistance when to extend knowledge, skills and ideas.

Behavior requires some supervision

Takes the initiative to use teacher and peer assistance to extend knowledge, skills and ideas

Behavior rarely requires

Takes the initiative to use a range of resources to explore creative possibilities

Always behaves responsibly and does not require supervision

Teamwork Skills

Uncooperative and interferes with the learning of others

Uninvolved and sometimes interferes with the learning of others.

Somewhat involved and will extend assistance to others when asked by the teacher

Involved with the team and extends assistance to others when needed.

Completely involved with the team.
Readily extends assistance and encourages others

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©2002 Gary Reagan and Golden Hills School Division #75 and Galileo Educational Network Association