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Carolyn - Young Mother

I drank a moderate amount on a few occasions during my pregnancy and I see no defects in my child.

She is at the very top of her class and was able to read basic words and write simple words well before starting school.

I think that what is considered moderate by some, is considered a binge by others.

We need to keep in mind that the majority of parents who drink heavily are more likely to be from poorer socioeconomic backgrounds, and are a greater risk statistically of having babies with defects prior to drinking.

Sara - The Agony of Ecstasy

At 12:30 AM Mike phoned home to tell his parents that he was OK, and that he was going to spend the night at Eric's place. Sara did the same, and the three teenagers sat together on the couch and watched some TV. Then they played a few games of pool. Then Eric offered his two friends a potent brand of ecstasy known "double stack white Mitsubishi."

Mike declined Eric's offer, but Sara, who had taken the drug once before, willingly washed down a few of the white pills and waited for the drug's effects to kick in. And indeed they did.

Within hours, Sara was in convulsions and had to be rushed to the hospital. There, she lapsed into a coma. Her body temperature rose quickly, not stopping until it reached 108 degrees. She started to bleed. "Her blood cells were just erupting. Her intestines were bleeding; her stomach was bleeding. She was bleeding from the mouth. She bit her lip when she had a seizure, and it wouldn't stop bleeding, but she was not moving at all."

By the next afternoon she was dead. Instead of taking methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA), the only chemical contained in unadulterated ecstasy, she had swallowed paramethoxymethamphetamine, a much more dangerous chemical known as PMA. The County coroner's office determined that Sara died from an accidental overdose of PMA, a substance also believed to be responsible for at least two other recent deaths in the area.

Joe - Coffee Drinker

I love the taste of coffee. I start the day with a breakfast that includes several large cups of coffee—it is my way of getting ready to face the day.

On the way to work, I often stop in at Tim Hortons and fill my thermos with a large double double to go.

Drinking coffee at work keeps me productive, and it keeps my ideas flowing. My office goes through several pots of coffee during the day—everyone loves it. We fight over who should make the next pot.

I know almost everything there is to know about caffeine. You can find caffeine in pain relievers and cold remedies.

My wife worries that I drink too much coffee, but if it doesn't keep her up at night, why should she worry? Besides, most of the men who are my age need to cut down on alcohol. Coffee is harmless!

Jasmine - Student - Pot Smoker

In high school I was an honors student. I ran Varsity Cross County, and was number four on the team. I played saxophone in a band all through high school, and I maintain a great relationship with a great guy.

I was a member of the Key Club, the Honor Society and the Literary Magazine. I was president of the French National Honor Society. Now I am nineteen and I am a first year student at a prominent Ivy League university, currently ranked fourth in the nation by US News.

I have also been smoking pot regularly for the last six years. Psychedelic drugs have taught me things about myself that few other experiences in life have. Every American citizen should have the right to realize these benefits for his or her self.