Comprehensive resources for parents and professionals in play-based early childhood education

Robert J. Marzano

Dr. Robert J. Marzano is known internationally for his research in classroom strategies and design. He is the author of more than 30 books and 150 articles on topics ranging from instruction and assessment, writing and implementing standards, cognition, effective leadership, and school intervention. He is also co-founder and CEO of the Colorado, USA-based Marzano Research Laboratory, which is a joint venture with the Solution Tree, a educational professional development company. The laboratory develops educational tools for teachers and principals.

  • Representing Knowledge Non-Linguistically

    Marzano, R.J., (2010). Representing Knowledge Non-Linguistically. Educational Leadership, Alexandria VA.

    This article recommends teachers have their students illustrate their learning in ways that don’t include the use of language. Across 129 different studies, students in classrooms where non linguistic strategies were used (graphic organizers, sketches, pictographs), experienced a 17 percent gain in student achievement.

    The article defines five important characteristics of non linguistic representations for teachers to consider:

    • These representations come in many forms, including graphic organizers, sketches, concept maps, flow charts and computerized simulations.
    • They must identify crucial information, or there is little or no positive effect on student learning.
    • Students should explain their non linguistic representations, because it requires them to think about content in new ways.
    • Non linguistic representations can take more time to construct, explain and defend. Teachers should plan and allow for this extra time.
    • Students should revise their representations when necessary.