Grade Level: High School
Discipline: Science
Language: English
The study is designed so that students uncover relationships between biomes, energy and climate. Their question was: “Knowing that going up 300 meters is like going 950 Kilometers north, can we learn anything about northern biomes by making observations as we walk up a slope?”
This High School Science study was collaboratively designed by:
- High School science teachers
- Environmental educator with the Biogeoscience Institute University of Calgary Field Station at Kananaskis
- Biologist
- Galileo Educational Network
The following characteristics of Discipline-based inquiry in a high school study are an intentional part of the study design. These are captured in the video below.
- Authenticity
- Study topic originates with the issues, problems and questions that ecological scientists engage in regularly
- Students work in the environment under study
- Students are required to present their research findings and conclusions to contribute to scientific knowledge
- Academic Rigor
- Time to observe and question an expert in climate research
- Designing student tasks that require multiple perspectives and plan for multiple ways to engage with content and multiple ways to express understandings
- Risk taking and exploration of new ideas, as do ecological scientists
- Students use the scientific process to pose and test hypotheses
- Assessment
- Examining criteria of expert work, to develop their own criteria for assessment
- Ongoing descriptive feedback through teacher observations and peer feedback to weave assessment throughout the inquiry process
- Beyond the school
- Study requires students to develop and enact organizational and self management skills including designing for their data collection and analysis
- Teamwork and collaboration are required to complete their tasks
- Appropriate uses of technology
- Students use the same technologies used by the field station scientists including humidity and temperature instruments
- Spreadsheets and data management software are required to organize and analyze date
- Active Exploration
- Field work is required
- Students’ contributing their own data into the provincial data base for use by scientists
- Intentional planning for increased student engagement
- Connecting with expertise
- Students were required to observe and interact with working scientists
- The experts were integrally involved in the study design and implementation
- Elaborated Communication
- Students’ own ideas matter
- Student and teacher reflections and feedback informs the study design and assessment
- Student and teacher work is more transparent through documenting the study and data collection and presentation
- Students design, test and adjust their own hypotheses