Grade Level: Primary School
Discipline: Science
Language: Blackfoot and English
School Board: Kainai Board of Education
Website: Visit Kainai Stories and Spaces
The first thunderclap of spring tells us that the Thunder Medicine Bundle may be opened. Sipatsimo (or sweetgrass) and aakiika’ksimii (or sage), our most sacred healing herbs of mind and spirit, grow here at the Belly Buttes, our sacred Sundance site. It is all here: the land, the plants, our ancestors and our future. One is held within the other. You cannot know the land without knowing the plants placed here by the creator. You cannot know the creator without knowing the plants. You cannot know the plants and their healing powers without hearing the stories. It is one and the same.
This site weaves these strong threads of connection. A web of children, elders, plants, landscape and the stories that bind them together. These stories provide a path for our children to the future. A path that remembers and in the remembering, renews.