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Math Fair Category: Relations & Functions

Grasshopper Jump Fest

One of the sports that grasshoppers play when they are by themselves is the jump-fest. To play, a number of grasshoppers stand on a tire…

Ghost in the Mansion

A ghost was haunting a mansion on Centre Street. Although the ghost enjoyed haunting the place he occasionally became bored and therefore decided to pose…

Fashion Guru

Fashions come and fashions go, but the guru who starts a new fashion trend always takes a risk. One way to lessen this risk is…

Die Hard

In the movie Die Hard, 4L of water must be weighed, and if incorrect, the fountain from which the water is drawn will explode, killing…

Connect the Dots

Circuit boards are made by imprinting a conducting metal like copper on a non-conducting material like fibreglass. If it were not for circuit boards, connections…