Fill the square on the left with red, yellow, green, and blue chips so that no row, no column and neither of the two long…
One of the greatest unsolved problems in mathematics was whether any map needed more than 4 colours assuming that no regions which shared an edge…
There are only two laws in Circle Town. Nobody can walk outside. This means that children must learn to drive from a very young age.No…
In this investigation, we work with pentominoes, five squares, and triominoes, 3 squares, where we study the unique shapes from constructing them in all different…
When, Polyo, wants to rebel from her claustrophobic family, she seeks out solitude to work on very Un-Babushka-like puzzles. That means she wants puzzles where…
This game is the same as ordinary tic-tac-toe, except that on each turn a player can choose to play an X or an O. You…
Just like in the problem Mirror, Mirror in the Box, a triangular box plays tricks with light. Mirrors reflect light beams that hit them obliquely…
What is Needed: A piece of dotted paper, pen, and 3 tree planters for each team. How to Play: Decide who goes first.The players take…
Frogs have a saying: “The Other Lily Pad Is Always Greener”. Some green and yellow frogs were arguing about this until they agreed that they…
A colony of termites has attacked a house by carving out passageways trough the floorboards. The damage done is proportional to the number of triangles…