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CE Grade Levels: Primary School

Comprehension numeraties et francais

Questions de réflexion en regardant l’étude de cas: Comment l’enseignant a-t-il engagé les élèves dans l’apprentissage d’une langue et dans des objectifs d’apprentissage spécifiques au…

Becoming Authors

In this discipline-based task, students were challenged to think and behave like authors. Using a similar process to what an author would use, these students…

Boat Design

Through this inquiry students came to understand the engineering principles that underpin boat design, as well as the scientific concepts associated with buoyancy, including balance,…

Accessible Learning for All

The diversity in today’s classrooms is enormous. Students represent a wide array of prior experience and knowledge, with a wide spectrum of learning needs and…

Wetlands Study

Every year, Kathy took her Southern Alberta Grade 4 class to the local pond to observe, test and sample the water. Class data was meticulously…