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Math Fair Category: 3D Objects & 2D Shapes

Injection Molding

Injection molding is a technique for making a huge range of plastic objects like toothbrushes, fly swatters, and food containers. Molten hot plastic is injected…

House of Gloom

In the valley in the heart of the dark wood lives a gloomy elf. His doorless home is painted totally black so dark that no…

Hot Potato

There is a werewolf hiding in a red hood and 11 children sitting around a campfire. Katrina, who is sitting opposite the werewolf, plucks a…

Grasshopper Jump Fest

One of the sports that grasshoppers play when they are by themselves is the jump-fest. To play, a number of grasshoppers stand on a tire…

Gopher Holes

William the Weasel’s favourite meal is gopher, so when William spies Gordon the Gopher he starts salivating as he takes off in hot pursuit. “That…

Giant’s Causeway

Fionn Mac Cumhail was Ireland’s greatest warrior mage. Through his knowledge of natural magic he grew in stature till he was three times the height…

Flexi Fish

Imagine that all living things are made up of joints and bones .   For example, here are two flexi-fish swimming happily along: You can…

Counting Polyominoes

Polyominoes are shapes that are made by gluing identical squares along their edges. A domino is a shape made from two squares glued along an…

Connect the Dots

Circuit boards are made by imprinting a conducting metal like copper on a non-conducting material like fibreglass. If it were not for circuit boards, connections…