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Math Fair Category: Number Concepts

Cold Potato

Katrina and her class are on a camping trip. Today, everyone gets a single potato for supper. It’s not much, but at least they should…

Bob The Building

Bob the Building has only one elevator, so as people leave for work (going from floors 1-6 to the ground floor) or come home from…

Babushka Squares

In this investigation, we work with pentominoes, five squares, and triominoes, 3 squares, where we study the unique shapes from constructing them in all different…

Training Trains

When in grade 1, locomotives learn by going round and round in circles on specially created tracks like the one on the right. The circular…

Un-Babushka Squares

When, Polyo, wants to rebel from her claustrophobic family, she seeks out solitude to work on very Un-Babushka-like puzzles. That means she wants puzzles where…

Yasmin the Yeti

Yasmin, a baby Yeti living with her family in the Himalayas, decided that she was going to make trees out of paper. She folded a…

Unique Buildings

You are the mayor of a small town and are given the mandate to build 10 floors of residential housing. For example, you could build…

Twinkle Twinkle

Carl Sagan and Joseph Campbell were walking on the Milky Way last evening. Carl turned to Joseph and said “What a lot of stars!” “But…