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Math Fair Category: Number Concepts

McGuire the Gathering

You are the leader of a Scottish clan; either the McGuires or the McConnells. In preparation for war, you send out your envoys to demand…

Lights On!

There are seven lights in a circle. They are all turned off and the problem is to turn them on. Each light has a switch.…

Jedi Knights

There are three Jedi Knights and three Storm Troopers who need to get from the planet Alderaan to the planet Tatooine. They have a spaceship…

Les Choses Irritantes

Quand un grain de sable se retrouve dans une palourde, (une huître), ou autre mollusque, il devient un irritant. Le mollusque réagit à ce grain…

Irritating Things

When a grain of sand finds its way into a clam or other mollusk and becomes an irritant. The mollusk responds to the irritating grain…

India 500

The India 500 is the most prestigious space race of them all. The spacegirls and spaceboys jump-jet in Madras, India at 12:00 midnight January 1st…

Hot Potato

There is a werewolf hiding in a red hood and 11 children sitting around a campfire. Katrina, who is sitting opposite the werewolf, plucks a…

Grasshopper Jump Fest

One of the sports that grasshoppers play when they are by themselves is the jump-fest. To play, a number of grasshoppers stand on a tire…

Giant’s Causeway

Fionn Mac Cumhail was Ireland’s greatest warrior mage. Through his knowledge of natural magic he grew in stature till he was three times the height…