The study was designed so that students uncovered relationships between biomes, energy and climate.
How do grocery stores keep their vegetables fresh looking? This question intrigued and invited students to behave like scientists as they designed and conducted experiments,…
This project is an ethno-ecological inquiry that seeks to digitally preserve traditional Aboriginal knowledge in an interactive online environment.
Using on-line resources from Our Roots, interviews of local residents, scouring attics and basements for hints and clues, students uncovered some good evidence that there…
In this project students learned about life in rural Alberta by interviewing local residents and recording their stories on a website.
This collaborative water study of the Bow River Watershed was conducted by students in six different schools across three school jurisdictions.
Grade 6 students from the small town in Cardston in Southern Alberta, 50 km East of Waterton Lakes National Park, studied if bears and humans…
This site weaves these strong threads of connection. A web of children, elders, plants, landscape and the stories that bind them together. These stories provide…
Engaging students in science inquiry and engineering by enabling them to create, invent, and explore with digital technologies.
After watching a video of a bowl of fruit decomposing, grade 4 students were challenged to design an authentic science experiment that would identify variables…