In the following investigation you will discover the rules that describe geometric situations.
A unicursal curve in the plane is a curve that you get when you put down your pencil, and draw until you get back to…
If we measure the area of rectangles by dividing them into squares, then what shape should we use to measure area for triangles?
Your team is charged with creating a presentation to persuade potential investors that a favourable business environment exists. What area of Canada would you represent?
This investigation can be entered into by children as young as 6 and is engaging for people who like to think about mathematical probability and…
Students created their own version of the Vitruvian Man and related Vitruvius’ theories of proportions to their model.
This investigation can be entered into by children as young as 6 (particularly as it is structured in the game situation) and is entertaining for…
This project is an ethno-ecological inquiry that seeks to digitally preserve traditional Aboriginal knowledge in an interactive online environment.
In this project students learned about life in rural Alberta by interviewing local residents and recording their stories on a website.